The current market environment leaves many independent brokers struggling to maintain their current market share due to the vast consolidation in the industry. The options, traditionally have been limited to address this. The normal response to these pressures are typically answered through acquisition, the participation in a cluster or aggregate or a traditional wholesale model. All three of these options have their disadvantages, some more obvious then others. National Coverage was created as an alternative to all three to help perpetuate the true independent model.

- Unlike your traditional aggregates or clusters National Coverage takes no ownership position in the agency or the agency’s book of business.
- Your are not required to relinquish your key market relationships like you would through a traditional aggregate or cluster.
- Provides Central marketing for all companies. At National Coverage we look to act as an extension of your agencies marketing departments.
- Unlike the traditional wholesale models, NCC provides incentives for agencies to grow their books to a threshold in which profit sharing & direct carrier appointments are available.
At National Coverage, we take the best of both options. We look to provide our partners with a platform to succeed and grow their business by providing key market access, a high customer service model, and most importantly and ease of doing business.
While normal aggregates are appealing due to the impression of “promised” contingent payments, the reality is that unless you are a significant volume player within a cluster this rarely happens, and in the meantime you have given up control of your markets, and your independence.
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Client Resources

As a retail partner agent your clients receive access to online risk management resources through a personalized Client Center that connects them to National Coverage and offers convenient tools and resources including:
- Direct link to an NCC Client Only Portal
- Online industry Web resources
- Access to hundreds of useful P-C documents
- Overviews of Workers’ Comp State Statutes
- OSHA reporting and compliance resources
- Peer access via online Community
- Safety Matters Toolbox Talks
- Employee Newsletters
- Safety Payroll Stuffers